What is TOGAF®?

Learn the TOGAF® Standard, 10th Edition to develop transformative enterprises that are purpose driven, people led, adaptive and resilient! Propel your career with the next-generation skills for Enterprise Architecture (EA) including Agile Architecture, The Digital Enterprise and Design Thinking.
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In this article, we address the common questions of why transformation professionals need TOGAF® and what the TOGAF® Architecture principles are. We then look at the benefits of completing training with EA Learning to become certified in the TOGAF® Standard, 10th Edition by holding a private course, exclusively for your organisation or by attending one of our regularly scheduled public courses.

What is TOGAF®?

TOGAF® is a proven Enterprise Architecture framework that sets the standard to design and implement transformative enterprises. Using an Architectural Framework, you map the high-level description of an organisation as a system, the big picture, the structure of its main components at various levels, their interrelationships, and the principles that guide their evolution.

The TOGAF® Enterprise Architecture framework enables organisations to effectively address critical business needs by:

  • Ensuring that everyone speaks the same language
  • Avoiding lock-in to proprietary solutions by standardising open methods for Enterprise Architecture
  • Saving time and money, and utilising resources more effectively Achieving demonstrable ROI

Why do transformation professionals need TOGAF®?

The demand for Enterprise Architects is rising as IT technology becomes more tightly integrated with business operations. As a TOGAF® certified professional, you act as a simplifier of complex systems. In today’s disruptive world and pace of technology, you will help demystify a tangled landscape of people, processes, tools and information to make informed business decisions.

TOGAF® has been developed through the collaborative efforts of over 300 Architecture Forum member companies from some of the world’s leading companies and organisations. Using TOGAF® results in enterprise architecture that is consistent, reflects the needs of stakeholders, employs universal concepts plus best and emerging practices. It gives due consideration both to current requirements and the perceived future needs of the business.

Developing and sustaining an enterprise architecture is a technically complex process that involves many stakeholders and decision processes in the organisation. TOGAF® plays an important role in standardising and de-risks the architecture development process. TOGAF® provides a best practice framework for adding value and enables the organisation to build workable and economic solutions which address their business issues and needs.

What are the TOGAF® Architecture Principles?

The TOGAF Architecture principles provide a foundation for achieving strategic outcomes as they establish a set of rules to govern the behaviours and architectural decisions for an organisation. The TOGAF Architecture Principles are based on addressing the important metrics of getting tangible business benefits, obtaining maximum ROI on technology investments and on maximising the cost-efficiency of operations.

TOGAF® Summary of learning outcomes:

We recommend the latest TOGAF® Standard, 10th Edition based on its theme of Supporting Agility in the Digital Enterprise. Our certified TOGAF® instructor will teach you:

  • The business rationale behind Enterprise Architecture and TOGAF®.
  • The Fundamental contents of the TOGAF® Standard 10th Edition, it’s enduring and universal concepts.
  • The TOGAF® Series Guides, detailed guidance on industry best practice including applying to Agile Sprints, Value Streams, Digital Technology adoption and more.
  • The Architecture Development Method (ADM) and all the phases that make up the cycle.
  • The techniques defined for use in Architecture development.
  • The guidelines for adapting the ADM process.
  • The Enterprise Continuum and Tools.
  • The concepts, taxonomy and graphical representations of the TOGAF® reference models and their application.
  • The Architecture Capability Framework.
  • The make-up of an Architecture skills framework and why it is needed.

Become certified in TOGAF® with EA Learning

When you attend a course with EA Learning, you will be taught by a certified TOGAF® instructor who has extensive real-world experience. They will guide you through the TOGAF® Standard 10th edition, TOGAF® Series Guides, TOGAF® Library, the Learning Studies and provide insights from their experience in the industry along the way.

For your team to become certified in the TOGAF® Standard, 10th Edition, EA Learning offer exclusive private courses for your organisation. Our certified TOGAF® instructor can provide basic contextualisation by linking what is currently taking place in your organisation and relating it to the content within the course. Alternatively, you can choose to attend an upcoming public Virtual Classroom course in a time zone that best suit you or a Classroom course.

Our TOGAF® EA Foundation and Practitioner Intensive Program course is designed to provide you with the knowledge and fully prepare you to sit the TOGAF® exam and achieve TOGAF® Certification under the certification program established by The Open Group. This course not only covers what TOGAF® is, it also provides you with the knowledge and understanding of the framework, which you can then take back to your organisation to apply the TOGAF® concepts and methods.

Achieving the TOGAF® Certification status demonstrates that you possess the required knowledge to apply the concepts of TOGAF® to an enterprise architecture and technology environment. Our TOGAF® EA Foundation and Practitioner Intensive Program class is fully accredited with The Open Group.

Feedback from past TOGAF® Training attendees:

“Attending the course is a faster and more effective mechanism to absorb the material than self-study alone. Worthwhile to attend to hear real-world scenarios.” – Senior IT Business Analyst

“This was an excellent course with continuous ‘real world’ application of the framework.   The facilitator was excellent at assisting us in applying / tailoring TOGAF to our individual organisations.” – Senior Business Consultant

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